Your LR Journey Begins Here

About Us

Discover how the small, 勒努瓦-雷恩大学的支持性校园社区是在获得学位的过程中生活和学习的绝佳场所.

Our community passionately embraces the unknown. Our curiosity propels us to explore new ideas, to crave knowledge, and to engage the world in bold ways. 在全球网赌十大网站的文科使命的联合下,全球网赌十大网站让你知道你是谁,你想去哪里. 你的教授会知道你的名字,并用你从未想象过的方式挑战你.


Our Story

Founded in 1891, Lenoir-Rhyne University is a co-educational, 私立文理学院,拥有50多个本科学位课程和20多个研究生学位课程. 劳氏学院招收了近2300名本科生和研究生.

At LR, we work to develop the whole person, to liberate mind and spirit, clarify personal faith, foster physical wholeness, 建立社区意识,提倡负责任的领导服务世界.

Our main campus is in Hickory, North Carolina, where both undergraduate and graduate degrees are offered. 该大学还在阿什维尔校区提供研究生学位课程, North Carolina, and Columbia, South Carolina. 全球网赌十大网站的南方路德神学院也在哥伦比亚. LR隶属于美国福音派路德教会北卡罗来纳教会,欢迎所有宗教背景的学生.


  • Mission Statement

    In pursuit of the development of the whole person, Lenoir-Rhyne University seeks to liberate mind and spirit, clarify personal faith, foster physical wholeness, build a sense of community, 促进对世界服务负责任的领导.

    作为美国福音派路德教会北卡罗来纳教会的一个机构, 大学坚持人格完整的信念, 真正的天职和对上帝和世界最有用的服务,最好从基督教信仰的角度来辨别.

    As a community of learning, the university provides programs of undergraduate, graduate, 继续学习文科和理科,为各种各样的职业奠定基础,为有意义的生活提供指导.

  • Vision

    全球网赌十大网站的目标是成为一个国家认可的文科机构的选择-以全球网赌十大网站在培养明天的领导者方面的卓越而闻名, developing patterns of lifelong learning, 定位全球网赌十大网站的毕业生在他们的专业成功, 个人和精神生活,并在全球网赌十大网站的大学社区内提供无与伦比的关怀质量.

  • Values

    勒努瓦-雷恩大学信奉一套旨在告诉全球网赌十大网站的价值观, as members of this educational community, 在全球网赌十大网站的个人发展和与他人的互动中. 这些价值观确立了全球网赌十大网站作为一个组织的运作原则. 他们为全球网赌十大网站社区的每一个成员提供指导和保证, 他们帮助全球网赌十大网站看到每个人的贡献是如何改善全球网赌十大网站大学的生活的.

    这些原则通过全球网赌十大网站的日常行为体现出来, 只有当全球网赌十大网站社区的每个人都接受它们时,它们才能完全实现. 对这些核心价值的持续关注将培养全球网赌十大网站机构的持续改进, will assist us in the achievement of our mission, 并将引导全球网赌十大网站实现作为一所大学的愿景.

    • Excellence
      We will strive for excellence in everything we do. 全球网赌十大网站将不断培育全球网赌十大网站的智力、身体和精神的成长. 全球网赌十大网站将充分发挥全球网赌十大网站的才能和能力.
    • Integrity
      We will act with integrity at all times. We will respect and be honest with each other. 全球网赌十大网站将为自己的言行负责.
    • Care
      全球网赌十大网站会在学习和工作关系中关心他人. We will be responsible stewards of our resources. 全球网赌十大网站要相互支持,同舟共济.
    • Curiosity
      We will learn from our community, past and present. 全球网赌十大网站将以谦逊和开放的心态面对重要问题. 全球网赌十大网站将拥抱从不同的人和不同的角度所取得的成果.
Olivia Nunn

The people here care. 他们渴望了解你,这样他们就可以提供个性化的帮助和支持. 全球网赌十大网站每个人都有机会在这里建立一个社区,一个家外之家.

Olivia Nunn '21, Biology

What Makes LR Home

Whether you are looking for a quiet place to study, opportunities to unwind and explore with lifelong friends, LR has you covered both on or off-campus. 

Our campuses in Hickory, 阿什维尔和哥伦比亚被繁荣的城市所包围,这些城市为实习提供了巨大的机会, community service or recreational fun.

Non-Discrimination & Equal Opportunity

勒努瓦-雷恩大学不以种族为基础进行歧视, color, national origin, citizenship, religion, political affiliation, age, marital status, sex/gender including sexual orientation and gender identity, physical or mental disability, genetic information, 怀孕或退伍军人在任何教育计划和活动, including admissions.

勒努瓦-莱恩的非歧视和平等机会政策延伸到就业的各个方面, including, but not limited to, recruitment, hiring, training, promotion, transfer, reassignment, demotion, discipline, discharge, performance evaluation, compensation and benefits.

全球网赌十大网站致力于提供一个促进非歧视的环境, equal opportunity and inclusion for faculty, staff, students, contractors, volunteers and visitors.


View Our Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Policy

News & Events

Melanie Mora

25岁的梅拉尼·莫拉(Melanie Mora)计划去韩国留学一年多了. Now the U.S. 国务院支持她通过本杰明·A. Gilman International Scholarship.

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Tabitha Toney

Tabitha Toney '99, Ph.D.她将以卓越的眼光和关爱病人的心来领导这个项目.

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